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Sheled Peled,Caesarea

Philips, Haifa

Philips, China

Neot Carmel, Haifa

EPD, Interior design

Dining building, Kiryat Gat

Apropo, Haifa

Dormitories competition

Ilanot, Pardes Hanna

Industrial building, Kiryat Gat

Office building, Kiryat Gat

Lev Ram, Jerusalem


Auto Center, Haifa

Parking Building, Kiryat Gat

Eleven Center, Budapest

Huzot HaEmek, Afula

Huzot HaMifratz, Haifa

Commercial Center, Giv'at Olga

Hotel complex, Haifa

Apple, Haifa

Control building, Haifa

Ilanot 125, Pardes Hanna

FOH, Kiryat Gat

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